
Concierge VIP Hosting & Support

How would it be if you were on a first name basis with your “web guy”?

Where you knew that your business website was being hosted securely and was working well. But, more importantly… that if something came up, you knew exactly who to contact. No sitting on hold with overseas tech support, or dealing with people on “live chat” who don’t seem to know what they’re talking about.




Web hosting is a commodity. A big numbers game. Often, the cheapest ones outsource their customer service to people who really don’t know what they’re talking about. Instead of having a deep knowledge of what’s going on, they’re taught to follow flow charts. And they ask really stupid questions and assume you’re an idiot until you get so frustrated you just take matters into your own hands.


Then, there’s the usual class of small-time web hosts. Often done by smaller agencies who either offer hosting as a monthly service or offer to host their client sites. The problem with too many of them is that they are usually just resellers for a larger host while hiding the fact that that’s what is going on. Or they just throw you into a generic cPanel and you’re more or less on your own. Many of these guys are middlemen that charge more to you and don’t really provide any actual service beyond what you’d get if you just went with the hosting provider directly.

How This Concierge Hosting Works


In fact, I make sure to keep this limited so that I can treat clients… like clients.


I believe in transparency, so I make no secret of the fact that your site will be hosted on Cloudways. Feel free to look into them and, if you want to go with them directly, you absolutely can. But, this Concierge Hosting service is different. You don’t have to worry much about any of the behind-the-scenes stuff. Instead of dealing with Cloudways, you’ll be dealing with the亚博yabo官方和, of course, me.

I will take responsibility for the performance and maintenance of your site as if it were my own. For you, this includes:

我将在那里为托管方面的任何事情提供帮助。I’ve got a lot of tools available to me to help with performance and other matters, so we can put it all to use on your site as needed without you having to take your valuable time to research it, make decisions, or figure out how to use it.


If you prefer to keep a cheap hosting bill and you’re willing to deal with the mechanics of your web hosting on your own, this is most definitely NOT meant for you.






So, let’s go over some of the the most obvious questions you may have about this service…



您不仅仅是购买托管。如果您想要的只是托管,请直接与他们注册。You absolutely could go direct to any web host (even Cloudways) get your own account, manage it yourself and have a much lower monthly bill. That’s what most people do. And if you’d rather be in the driver seat, you SHOULD do that.




You will be on a virtual private server (or VPS). That alone will give you more horsepower than most shared web hosts out there. Even most managed Wordpress hosts will tightly cap your disk space, your bandwidth, or the number of sites. With a VPS, your only limit is server horsepower.



Your site will be on Cloudways. So, you’ll have 2 options. (1) You can sign up for your own Cloudways account and I will simply transfer your site over to your own server and you’ll take over from there. Or, (2) You can sign up for any other host you want and migrate the site over. I’ll be there to help you.





Of course not. My members here know that I have certain things that I recommend. And I certainly have certain tools I’m very well acquainted with. In some cases, I will be faster for you if you’re using the tools I know well. But, I’m not going to be one of those arrogant dudes who says you have to use what I know and everything else sucks. Everybody has their own way of doing things. So, by all means, if you’re grooved in and like a tool that I don’t, I won’t try to change your mind. It’s your site. You’re in control.






我的重点是,您的网站和我所有客户的网站具有足够的运行功能。我们还通过CloudFlare Enterprise运行所有内容,从而为您的网站带来了主要的速度优势。您的网站将处于良好状态。我为这项服务收取足够的费用,可以确保您网站的最佳处理。

不,我的重点是您的网站。您可以在任何地方购买和管理您的域名。如果您想要我的建议,我更喜欢Namecheap.com,我喜欢通过CloudFlare运行DNS服务。实际上,我可能会建议我们将您的DNS服务移至CloudFlare,无论如何仅仅是为了获得其他安全功能。它不会花费任何东西,这很容易。至于电子邮件,我个人使用并推荐FastMail。但是,您也可以使用任何其他服务,包括Google,Gmail,Zoho Mail,Rackspace电子邮件等。


What's Your Time Worth?

Let me remove the frustration and hassle of your website(s)… so you can focus on growing your business.

Space is limited。In order to ensure that I am able to fully serve every client, I am limiting the number of slots for this service.


Just $129/month For A Single Site.
每个其他网站每月$ 39。

Let’s Review What You’ll Get…

有任何疑问。yabo sport


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